Welcome to UC Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra

Enrolments now open

Applications for 2025 submitted after 7 June 2024 will receive a Letter of Offer later in the year.
Questions? Call the Enrolment Helpline on 02 6205 5429

Enrol Now for 2025 

Students who reside in the following suburbs are in the 2025 Priority Enrolment Area for the college:

Aranda, Belconnen, Bruce, Cook, Giralang, Kaleen, Lawson, Macquarie, McKellar

Enrolment for 2025 postcard

Student Prospectus 

Student Prospectus Guide 2025

Student Prospectus Guide for 2025. This publication provides information about courses and programs offered at the College.

Student Prospectus Tile

Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

Students may need some additional support to be successful at school, keep in mind that children can express their feelings in many ways. We encourage you to speak openly with your children about what they are feeling.

As a parent or carer, you can help your child with what they’re experiencing:
*Listen to their concerns – let them know you’re there for them and acknowledge how they’re feeling
* Make time to talk – provide a space for them to share their feelings and worries.
* Focus on strengths and hope.

There are a range of online and face-to-face services that can help you support your child. ACT Health has put together a page of information that families may find useful:  Ways you can support your own mental health and wellbeing | Health (act.gov.au)

After hours support is available

  • Triple Zero: 000
  • Contact your GP
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue: 1300224636
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
    Kids Helpline WebChat counselling
  • Headspace Canberra: 02 5109 9700
  • Emerging Minds: an online resource of best practice resources
  • MensLine Australia: 1300 78 99 78
  • Canberra Health Services, Access Mental Health: 1800 629 354 or 02 6205 1065

News and About Our School

SITL Invitation Artwork
25 Jun 2024

Step Into The Limelight - Art Exhibition!

Several of our students will be participating in Step into the Limelight (SITL) the annual arts showcase event for public schools, held in Term 3. This showcase holds two events, an Art Exhibition held in July/August and a Gala Showcase in September. Both events will feature various artistic disciplines including dance, drama, media, music, photography, ceramics and visual art.

The College has submitted student work in photography, media, ceramics and visual art for the Art Exhibition held at M16 Artspace. This exhibition will run from Wednesday 24 – Sunday 4 August.

Later in Term 3, several students will be performing dance and music performances in the Gala Showcase, as well as students assisting in the backstage technical crew. More information about the Gala Showcase is to come.

Congratulations in advance to students and staff on their commitment to excellence in the Arts!

Global Classroom Shetland Islands Excursion
18 Jun 2024

Global Classroom Shetland Island Conference

On Thursday June 13 our Global Classroom excursion departed on their exciting journey to the Shetland Islands. We wish safe travels to all participating students and staff. They will be attending a conference, hosted by Anderson High School located in Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland. This conference will be an enriching experience filled with learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange. We look forward to the knowledge and inspiration our students will bring back to our school community.

Cancer Council Fundraiser
11 Jun 2024

Hospitality Cancer Councill Fundraiser

Year 12 Hospitality students spent the last few weeks preparing for the annual Cancer Council fundraiser – Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. This is the 8th year the Hospitality classes have participated in this event, each year with more input and enthusiasm. With both hot and cold food and drinks on offer the donations came flooding in. In just one 40-minute lunchbreak they managed to raise a total of $551.00! Congratulations to all those involved and a huge thankyou to everyone who generously donated to this important cause.

Principal's Message

Welcome to UC Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra (UCSSC Lake Ginninderra). Ginninderra is derived from the Ngunnawal word meaning 'sparkling like the stars' and our college provides students with the skills and enthusiasm for a life of learning, personal growth and improvement.

The College has close associations with all universities in the ACT and higher education links beyond the territory.  Our site includes the Academy of Future Skills, the Science Mentors Program ACT, Belconnen Training (RTO), Academic Excellence Program, Sporting Centres of Excellence with links to the Australian Institute of Sport, the only NBA Basketball Academy in the Southern Hemisphere, and we offer a best practice Outdoor Education program.  Our alumni include notable community figures in industry, government, research, the Arts and Olympians. Our students participate in a variety of leadership and co-curricular activities available on, and off, campus. read more....

Melissa Planten

Melissa Planten

BA (University of Melbourne) Grad Dip (La Trobe University) MEd (University of Canberra)