Vocational Education and Training (VET) Overview

Hospitality and Outdoor Education Students

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Overview

UC SSC Lake Ginninderra College is the Registered Training Organisation (RTO code 88005) for the Belconnen Network of Secondary Schools. The RTO oversees and facilitates the delivery of nationally recognised qualifications according to the National Standards for RTOs 2015. The RTO has Scope to deliver qualifications and skills sets within the following trade and industry areas:

Please visit the website of individual participating Belconnen Network schools for specific information on delivery qualifications and statements of attainment:

UC SSC Lake Ginninderra College

Students are provided with access to this national certification in all vocational (V) courses available at the college. Vocational courses at the College offer students excellent opportunities to develop real skills for the workplace, as well as pursuing an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate. These courses integrate college-based learning and training with structured workplace learning, where students can apply their classroom learning in authentic work place situations. Courses have a practical focus and include significant on the job training opportunities. They are continually being updated in line with National Training Packages, so that students acquire skills and knowledge which have recent endorsement from industry.

Nationally recognised Certificates are awarded where participants meet the required standard of industry competence. Students will also receive recognition for partial completion of certificates through a Statement of Attainment. The excellent training facilities at the College allow it to present a diverse range of vocational options, providing pathways either directly into the workplace or to further training. These include:

Vocational Courses offered at this College include*

*Subject to teacher availability

The following qualifications are available to students via participation in the above courses:

For further details on the above Certificates see https://training.gov.au

Recognition of Prior Learning 

Students with skills and/or experience which may be relevant to a vocational course in which they are enrolling are entitled to seek acknowledgment of this through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

National Recognition

Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) are accepted and recognised by the College. A learner's qualifications and part qualifications are portable and can be recognised anywhere in Australia.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer is used when a person seeks credit or status for a course or subject they have already completed. It involves assessing a previously completed subject or units of competency to see if it provides equivalent learning or competency outcomes to those required within your current course of study. The purpose of credit transfer is to make it easier for students to move between courses and institutions and to gain credit for previous study so they can complete their current qualification more quickly.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All students in Vocational Courses must obtain a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to track and provide evidence of completed training units and qualifications. This is a reference number that gives students access to their USI account. A USI will allow an individual's USI account to be linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection. No Certificates or Statements of Attainment will be allowed to be issued without this number. For more information see your VET Teacher or refer to the Unique Student Identifier website (https://www.usi.gov.au).

Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBA)

An ASBA is a school based apprenticeship that is part-time and flexible. An ASBA opens a lot of new doors for students and business. Year 11 and 12 students can spend up to two full days per week on-the-job and complete their Year 12 Certificate along with a nationally recognised certificate (usually at Certificate II or Certificate III Level). The college has access to a wide range of employee networks within the ACT and can assist in the facilitation of Australian School Based Apprenticeships.

ASBAs are available in a wide variety of industries including: Animal Studies, Horticulture, Panel Beating, Hospitality, Building & Construction, IT, Business Administration, Library, Multimedia, Electro-Technology, Music, Engineering, Pharmacy, Floristry, Retail, Hairdressing and Sports Administration.

Why you should consider an ASBA?*

For further information on Vocational Education at the College, please refer to the College VET Student Handbook or contact the VET Coordinator.

VET Administration and Links to Websites for further information: