Principal Message

Welcome to UC Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra (UCSSC Lake Ginninderra). Ginninderra is derived from the Ngunnawal word meaning 'sparkling like the stars' and our college provides students with the skills and enthusiasm for a life of learning, personal growth and improvement.

The College has close associations with all universities in the ACT and higher education links beyond the territory.  Our site includes the Academy of Future Skills, the Science Mentors Program ACT, Belconnen Training (RTO), Academic Excellence Program, Sporting Centres of Excellence with links to the Australian Institute of Sport, and we offer a best practice Outdoor Education program. Our alumni include notable community figures in industry, government, research, the Arts and Olympians. Our students participate in a variety of leadership and co-curricular activities available on, and off, campus.

Transition to college marks a period of new academic and social challenges. We understand the value of 21st Century knowledge, skills and a real-life application for learning, literacy and life. The College offers an extensive range of study /course options and the Arts (visual and creative), STEM, Engineering, Humanities, Languages, Economics, Global Studies, Design, Robotics, Human Biology, Philosophy, Technology and inter-disciplinary connections provide opportunities for creativity, enterprise, inquiry, collaboration, innovation and hands-on learning.

Focussing on health/wellbeing we provide a wraparound service to enable a happy, connected transition, and students are encouraged to study courses/subjects reflecting their interests and passions. A range of student support services provides pastoral care, course advice, counselling services and career planning. At UCSSC Lake Ginninderra you can follow a range of academic and vocational pathways and access a broad range of university/tertiary options, Australian National University (ANU) extension programs ‘H courses’, Australian School Based Apprenticeships, work experience, links to employers and interests beyond college.

UCSSC Lake Ginninderra students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and mind set for the future world of study and/or career and enabled to be reflective, informed and active members of a broader global community.

Melissa Planten

Melissa Planten

BA (University of Melbourne) Grad Dip (La Trobe University) MEd (University of Canberra)